Hi Everyone!
Just want to let you all know that The Galatro Family Chronicles is moving. We are moving to Shutterfly. Our new blog will be at http://galatrofamily.shutterfly.com/. I like Shutterfly's format better.
See you there!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Introducing Video Blogs
Biking to the Bingham Creek Library - May 19th, 2009
(Sorry, it's so shaky)
Patricia Driving For The 2nd Time - April 11, 2009
(Sorry, it's so shaky)
Patricia Driving For The 2nd Time - April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Another Update

Hi everyone! Again, I have to apologize for not keeping up with this blog. Sorry! I have been busy with other things and lazy at the same time.
About 2-3 months ago Chris and I restarted our T-shirt business. For those of you who don't know, we used to make T-shirts from our apartment in Brooklyn before the kids came along. We had a heat press, designed and made shirts of the things we were passionate about back then. It was a lot of fun. So, now we're at it again. We couldn't take the heat press with us. It was too heavy, big and expensive for us to ship. So, we are going through Cafepress.com. The downside is that their base prices for shirts are too high. To make the shirts a bit more affordable for people to buy, we only mark them up $2-$4, which means less profit for us. The plus side is that they handle the production and shipping. If you want to check out our shirts, here is the link www.cafepress.com/koadesigns.

We celebrated Jacob's 1st birthday on February 27th. Chris's parents flew in from New Jersey to celebrate and to visit us. We enjoyed their stay, especially Kaleigh and Jacob. For Jaker's birthday we went to Discovery Gate. It's really awesome childrens museum at the Gateway Mall in Salt Lake City. The kids had a lot of fun. My sister, Rebecca, also came up from BYU-Provo to celebrate with us. Although, I think she really tagged along for the buffet (:P j/k) We went to Chuck-A-Rama buffet for dinner. As always, the food was good. I gotta say, they have the best rolls I've ever tasted!!! After dinner we went home and had cake with a live web chat with my parents and brother in Brooklyn.
Kaleigh will be turning 4 in June. She misses her Brooklyn church and playgroup friends a lot. She still talks about Hazel, Pierson, Kaitlyn, Apane, Bruce and all her other friends. She has made some friends here at our ward and around our apartment complex. But it's been hard to get out and do stuff with all the snow. Hopefully, with the weather warming up we'll be able to get out more. We also registered Kaleigh for preschool for this fall. It looks like I got some work to do with Kaleigh. The 3 year olds at this preschool are already reading 3-5 letter words! Kaleigh is still a girly girl. She loves playing with dolls, dress up and pretend mommy.
Chris is still working hard at WaMu-Chase. He is also teaching Youth Sunday School. He was having a hard time with the 12 year olds at first. They were very rowdy, couldn't pay attention and chatted in class a lot. So, I suggested he use some incentives. Now he brings them candy bars to use as a reward for good behavior and participation. This seems to be working so far.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
SORRY, SORRY, SORRY!!!! I know last time I said I would post more often... and that was back in November 2008.
My parents, Jeremiah and Rebecca came to visit for New Years. It was nice to have them here. Kaleigh and Jacob loved having the company and getting entertained. It was nice for me to have my parents cook and help watch the kids. Kaleigh and Jacob loved playing with their Cow Cow (Uncle Jeremiah), climbing on him, making paper animals, drawing silly pictures, sledding and getting tossed into the air. My parents visit was also to send off Rebecca. She transferred from Brooklyn College to BYU.
Jakers (Jacob's new nickname) is walking and climbing. He started walking at 10 1/2 months and is now non-stop. He even runs! He walks and runs with his arms above his head. He still puts everything in his mouth and drools. We went to a indoor playground the other day at Artic Circle (a fast food restaurant) and put Jakers down on the floor. He got up walked to the stairs and climbed right up to the slide. This kid reminds me of Pierson. We're gonna have to keep a few extra eyes on him!
Kaleigh is now 3 1/2 and loves to sing and dance. She is learning to write her name. We started teaching her the Articles of Faith. Last week Chris and I went to see our bishop to get our temple recommends renewed and Kaleigh recited the 1st Article of Faith for him. It was a proud momment for us. Kaleigh loves to watch High School Musical eversince she watched it with Rebecca in Brooklyn. Everytime she watches that movie, she needs to put on her "princess dress" so she can dance. I don't think it's the best movie for her age group to watch. She loves to watch the singing and dancing parts. At least the movie is clean. There's no kissing or foul language or immodesty.
Chris is still working for Washington Mutual (WaMu) and may go for a promotion. He's doing good there as head teller and was given vault responsibility a few weeks ago. Chase is taking over in a few months and he's not sure how that will go. He does know that he will have to change his work shirts to the ones with the Chase logo. Chris just got called to teach Youth Sunday School. He really wanted to be Ward Missionary. He loves missionary so much.
Chris takes our only car to work so I'm usually stuck at home with the kids. I'm working on getting my driver's license, taking online classes. I'm almost done, about a week more to go. After that, I have to take the written exam. Once I pass that I get my learner's permit and start the actual driving classes. In Utah it's mandatory that first time drivers take driving classes. I'm not sure if we can actually afford to buy a second car after I get my license, but I know if it's meant to be Heavenly Father will help us. Or I can just take the bus that comes once every hour. I'm thinking about going back to school. I'm also thinking about teaching. Early childhood education, perhaps. We're gonna need the extra income and it would be good for Kaleigh and Jacob to be able to take music, dance or sports classes. If go into teaching then I would be able to be home when Kaleigh and Jacob gets out from school. Plus I would also get summers off to go on vacation with them. Isn't that the dream? I didn't get a calling at church yet. Chris and I are giving talks in sacrament this week and I'm going to introduce our family to the ward. I gather after my talk this Sunday, it will put me on the radar and I'll be getting a calling soon.
Yesterday we went to the Draper, UT Temple Open House. It was great. Jacob was surprisingly quiet most of the time. Kaleigh was taking in everything. She smiled every time she saw a picture of Jesus Christ. The Celestial room was beautiful and has one of the most breathtaking chandeliers I've ever seen.
My parents, Jeremiah and Rebecca came to visit for New Years. It was nice to have them here. Kaleigh and Jacob loved having the company and getting entertained. It was nice for me to have my parents cook and help watch the kids. Kaleigh and Jacob loved playing with their Cow Cow (Uncle Jeremiah), climbing on him, making paper animals, drawing silly pictures, sledding and getting tossed into the air. My parents visit was also to send off Rebecca. She transferred from Brooklyn College to BYU.
Jakers (Jacob's new nickname) is walking and climbing. He started walking at 10 1/2 months and is now non-stop. He even runs! He walks and runs with his arms above his head. He still puts everything in his mouth and drools. We went to a indoor playground the other day at Artic Circle (a fast food restaurant) and put Jakers down on the floor. He got up walked to the stairs and climbed right up to the slide. This kid reminds me of Pierson. We're gonna have to keep a few extra eyes on him!
Kaleigh is now 3 1/2 and loves to sing and dance. She is learning to write her name. We started teaching her the Articles of Faith. Last week Chris and I went to see our bishop to get our temple recommends renewed and Kaleigh recited the 1st Article of Faith for him. It was a proud momment for us. Kaleigh loves to watch High School Musical eversince she watched it with Rebecca in Brooklyn. Everytime she watches that movie, she needs to put on her "princess dress" so she can dance. I don't think it's the best movie for her age group to watch. She loves to watch the singing and dancing parts. At least the movie is clean. There's no kissing or foul language or immodesty.
Chris is still working for Washington Mutual (WaMu) and may go for a promotion. He's doing good there as head teller and was given vault responsibility a few weeks ago. Chase is taking over in a few months and he's not sure how that will go. He does know that he will have to change his work shirts to the ones with the Chase logo. Chris just got called to teach Youth Sunday School. He really wanted to be Ward Missionary. He loves missionary so much.
Chris takes our only car to work so I'm usually stuck at home with the kids. I'm working on getting my driver's license, taking online classes. I'm almost done, about a week more to go. After that, I have to take the written exam. Once I pass that I get my learner's permit and start the actual driving classes. In Utah it's mandatory that first time drivers take driving classes. I'm not sure if we can actually afford to buy a second car after I get my license, but I know if it's meant to be Heavenly Father will help us. Or I can just take the bus that comes once every hour. I'm thinking about going back to school. I'm also thinking about teaching. Early childhood education, perhaps. We're gonna need the extra income and it would be good for Kaleigh and Jacob to be able to take music, dance or sports classes. If go into teaching then I would be able to be home when Kaleigh and Jacob gets out from school. Plus I would also get summers off to go on vacation with them. Isn't that the dream? I didn't get a calling at church yet. Chris and I are giving talks in sacrament this week and I'm going to introduce our family to the ward. I gather after my talk this Sunday, it will put me on the radar and I'll be getting a calling soon.
Yesterday we went to the Draper, UT Temple Open House. It was great. Jacob was surprisingly quiet most of the time. Kaleigh was taking in everything. She smiled every time she saw a picture of Jesus Christ. The Celestial room was beautiful and has one of the most breathtaking chandeliers I've ever seen.
Monday, December 1, 2008
How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Better than mine, I hope. Chris came down with the stomach flu Thanksgiving morning and left me to fend for myself and the turkey. We did get to spend Thanksgiving with some very dear friends who we still can't be thankful enough for. So that part was nice. Secretly though, I was mad at Chris for getting sick. Since Jacob's birth, I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually slept through the night. He just turned 9 months and is still not sleeping through the night. So, I was tired as usual. You would think I would get used to sleeping less after all this time. But I guess it's just been piling up on me.
You see, 3 weeks ago Jacob got the stomach flu (He's really got to stop putting his mouth on the shopping carts at Walmart.) It's was terrible. He threw up and had diarrhea pretty much back to back, plus fever. We took him to see a doctor. That night was one of the hardest nights. Jacob could only drink 1 tsp (5ml) of Pedialyte every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours and nothing else because anymore he would vomit. He was starving and crying. He was dehydrated. He didn't have any tears. He would sleep for 20 minutes and wake up starving and crying again. Slowly I increased the amount of Pedialyte per doctor's orders. 15 hours later I was able to give him 1-2 ounces of Pedialyte at a time without vomiting. Guess who stayed up with him all night? Moi.
A week later I came down with a cold. You know the usual runny nose, fever, body aches. I was enough to feel like a tank ran over me. Luckily it was the weekend and Chris didn't have to work that Saturday, so he watched the kids.
A week after that, the week of Thanksgiving, Jacob got sick again. This time he was having 103+ fevers that lasted for 3 days. On top of that 2 days before Thanksgiving Kaleigh got the stomach flu. So, that's how Chris got the stomach flu. But don't think that I escaped unscathed. The night after eating turkey and lots of other delicious food, it was my turn to experience the stomach flu. It was terrible. All I could do was puke and sleep. I didn't have the energy to do anything else. Chris was recovering himself and had to take 2 days off from work to take care of Kaleigh and Jacob while I recovered. Hey, at least I don't have to worry about those pounds from the food. However, we didn't get to go shopping on Black Friday like we had planned. Oh well... So, we don't have a TV yet. I guess we're lucky to at least get a wireless connection from someone in our apartment complex even if it is weak.
So, want to see some pictures of our apartment?

You see, 3 weeks ago Jacob got the stomach flu (He's really got to stop putting his mouth on the shopping carts at Walmart.) It's was terrible. He threw up and had diarrhea pretty much back to back, plus fever. We took him to see a doctor. That night was one of the hardest nights. Jacob could only drink 1 tsp (5ml) of Pedialyte every 10 minutes for the first 2 hours and nothing else because anymore he would vomit. He was starving and crying. He was dehydrated. He didn't have any tears. He would sleep for 20 minutes and wake up starving and crying again. Slowly I increased the amount of Pedialyte per doctor's orders. 15 hours later I was able to give him 1-2 ounces of Pedialyte at a time without vomiting. Guess who stayed up with him all night? Moi.
A week later I came down with a cold. You know the usual runny nose, fever, body aches. I was enough to feel like a tank ran over me. Luckily it was the weekend and Chris didn't have to work that Saturday, so he watched the kids.
A week after that, the week of Thanksgiving, Jacob got sick again. This time he was having 103+ fevers that lasted for 3 days. On top of that 2 days before Thanksgiving Kaleigh got the stomach flu. So, that's how Chris got the stomach flu. But don't think that I escaped unscathed. The night after eating turkey and lots of other delicious food, it was my turn to experience the stomach flu. It was terrible. All I could do was puke and sleep. I didn't have the energy to do anything else. Chris was recovering himself and had to take 2 days off from work to take care of Kaleigh and Jacob while I recovered. Hey, at least I don't have to worry about those pounds from the food. However, we didn't get to go shopping on Black Friday like we had planned. Oh well... So, we don't have a TV yet. I guess we're lucky to at least get a wireless connection from someone in our apartment complex even if it is weak.
So, want to see some pictures of our apartment?
living room
master bedroom
we get a 1/2 bath... yay!
kaleigh's room
washer and dryer
kaleigh and jacob hanging out on the red couch
view from balcony
our little tree
Friday, November 7, 2008
The Last Few Weeks
Sorry, I know it's been a while since our last post. We've been keeping busy. Chris is working and doesn't get home till about 6:30 - 7:00pm. When I'm not watching the kids, I'm either out shopping or reading. The Centerville Canyon Ward Relief Society Book Club has been reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers. Surprise, surprise! When I heard that they have a book club, my immediate thought was, "It's Utah. They're probably reading books written by church leaders." Especially, since majority of the members are senior citizens. (The ward boundaries were recently expanded so it would include younger families.) So, I was surprised to learn that they're reading Twilight. A sister who is a fan of the series was nice enough to lend me her copies so I can catch up. I'm enjoying the books so far. I'm currently reading the 2nd book, New Moon.
Kaleigh went Trick or Treating for the first time this Halloween. She went with Esther and Yan. Kaleigh and Esther were fairy princesses and Yan was Prince Charming. Before we left NY my mom bought Kaleigh the fairy costume. She thought it was cute and bought Esther one too. Jacob was a cowboy. He didn't like his cowboy hat at all. Kaleigh had a lot of fun and got too much candy for a 3 year old. Amazingly though, we put the candy away when we got home and she has forgotton about it. We also carved some pumpkins and made some cute Jack O'Lanterns. The house we are currently calling home is located in a cul-de-sac. On Halloween the neighbors lit a few fires in the circle and we roasted hot dogs.

We will be moving into our apartment in West Jordan by the end of this month. So far we've gone furniture hunting 2 times. We said that we were gonna get our furniture from Deseret Industries (DI) but we couldn not resist going to IKEA. We have never been to IKEA before and we love it. They have nice stuff for reason able prices. We already decided to get a couch, entertainment center, bookshelves, Kaleigh's bed and dresser at IKEA. They have a lot of cute stuff in the children's department. We are also really adamant about getting a red couch. We don't know why but we have to get a red couch!!

We saw our first snow in Utah this past Wednesday. The mountains are so beautiful when they're covered with snow! I took some pictures, but they're from the inside of a car while driving, so they don't do the mountains justice.

Also on Wednesday, I noticed that Jacob is finally getting some teeth. He's got 2 teeth coming out on the bottom. Jacob is now 8 months and is becoming a bit of trouble maker. He's cruising and climbing. The other day I turned my back for 2 minutes and he was gone. I found him in the bathroom splashing water in the toilet.
Peace, Out!
Kaleigh went Trick or Treating for the first time this Halloween. She went with Esther and Yan. Kaleigh and Esther were fairy princesses and Yan was Prince Charming. Before we left NY my mom bought Kaleigh the fairy costume. She thought it was cute and bought Esther one too. Jacob was a cowboy. He didn't like his cowboy hat at all. Kaleigh had a lot of fun and got too much candy for a 3 year old. Amazingly though, we put the candy away when we got home and she has forgotton about it. We also carved some pumpkins and made some cute Jack O'Lanterns. The house we are currently calling home is located in a cul-de-sac. On Halloween the neighbors lit a few fires in the circle and we roasted hot dogs.
We will be moving into our apartment in West Jordan by the end of this month. So far we've gone furniture hunting 2 times. We said that we were gonna get our furniture from Deseret Industries (DI) but we couldn not resist going to IKEA. We have never been to IKEA before and we love it. They have nice stuff for reason able prices. We already decided to get a couch, entertainment center, bookshelves, Kaleigh's bed and dresser at IKEA. They have a lot of cute stuff in the children's department. We are also really adamant about getting a red couch. We don't know why but we have to get a red couch!!
We saw our first snow in Utah this past Wednesday. The mountains are so beautiful when they're covered with snow! I took some pictures, but they're from the inside of a car while driving, so they don't do the mountains justice.
Also on Wednesday, I noticed that Jacob is finally getting some teeth. He's got 2 teeth coming out on the bottom. Jacob is now 8 months and is becoming a bit of trouble maker. He's cruising and climbing. The other day I turned my back for 2 minutes and he was gone. I found him in the bathroom splashing water in the toilet.
Peace, Out!
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