Monday, October 13, 2008

And So Our Journey Begins

So, yep... We are moving to Utah. This is major step for our family. Brooklyn will always be our home and our roots. For Chris and Patricia anyway. We will miss our family and friends. We will miss all the different restaurants. Indian, Vietnamese, Malaysian... Mmmmm. Brooklyn will always make the best pizza. You must check out DiFara's Pizza on Ave J and E 14th Street (thanks to Cherry for introducing this place to Patricia.) The guy actually grows the herbs that he puts in his pizzas in the front window.

We will make handball the new state sport. Take that BYU Cougars and Utah Jazz! We will try not to sound too "white" and do our best to keep our Brooklyn accents. Aiight! We will graffiti every billboard we see. Kaleigh will dump out her potty on the street curb, so we won't forget the Brooklyn smell.

We hope to come back to visit at least once a year, if not more. Take care everyone. We won't forget you!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

You'd better come back and visit! We will miss you!!